... der Name "Kleier" stammt von der Arbeit mit Kleiboden ab (abgeleitet von "kleben", auch engl."clay": Tonerde), kleien. Ein Kleier war ein Tagelöhner, der Gräben in der Marsch aushob bzw. reinigte.
...aber: möglicherweise ist es aber auch alles ganz anders, denn ich habe dies hier gefunden: "klein [bedeutet], das Getreide zusammenraffen. Vgl. afrapen. Dazu Kleier, der das Getreide zusammenrafft, hindern Meier (Mäher) geit de Kleier." ...hmmm ...wo kommt der Name nun eigentlich wirklich her?
Dorathea Luisa Gluske
† AFT 1847
ºº 28.11.1823 in Gellen,Kr. Neustettin,Pommern mit Martin Wilhelm Teske
!usually listed in parish records as Louise/Louisa, but in baptismal record of first son Carl Fried., listed as Dorathea(sic; common enough in that parish); in death record of sonJohann Gottlieb 1835, listed as Dorathea Luisa as early as 1812 in Gellen a Christian Friedr. Gluske & wife Anna LouiseSabinzken/Sabinsky are listed (with a Dorathea Sabinsky sponsoring their child Johann Gottlieb in 1812); they are old enough to be Dorathea's parents there are no other Gluskes baptised in Gellen parish records dating from 1794, so perhapsthe Gluskes came from elsew here before 1816 an Anna Luise Sabinske Gluske died in Gellen ae. 68 2 Jun 1845 (b. 1777) a Johann Sabinsky from Plietnitz is listed as sponsor at baptism of Dorathea's child Wilhelm Augus t Teske in 1836, a Johann Ferdinand Gluske is a sponsor of Dorathea's daughter Caroline Friedrike Teske in 1828, there is a record in Neustettinof an Anna Charlotta Gluske baptised 26 dec1 789, child of Michael Gluske and Maria Louisa Mannken; but there are no other Gluskes married or baptized in Neustettin records; however a Manke from Gellen is listed as a sponsor at bapti sm of Dorothea's child August Ferdinand Teske on 28 feb 1847